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Friday, January 14, 2011

My baby's birthday

Days like tomorrow are hard for me. My fabulous oldest daughter is turning 14. I seriously cannot believe how time flies. It is kind of amazing actually. I just wanted to say how proud I am of her and the awesome young lady she is. I grow more proud of her every day. She is intelligent, beautiful, funny, kind, thoughtful, strong and sure of herself. All great qualities that I always dreamed my daughter would have. It is such a joy to have her in our lives. I am so blessed to be her mother and we are ALL blessed to have her here on this planet with us. :)


  1. Hope your daughter had a wonderful birthday! What a beautiful tribute to her!! Sometimes parents forget to let their kids know they are proud of them & the people they are. What a beautiful relationship you both will have as the years pass.

    p.s. cannot believe you have a 14 year old! Looking good lady!

  2. Thanks Jackie! I am really really blessed to have incredible kids. (May be biased a little.) I just want them to know it, I guess. I keep waiting for the teenage years to get bad, but so far so good. Praying it stays that way. ;-)
