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Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Teacher Appreciation Week- Flowers

The elementary school that my younger kids go to, participates in Teacher Appreciation Week at a different time than others. Well, it happens to be this week and today was "bring your teacher a flower" day. I try to save money and be creative wherever possible in our household, so, I came up an alternative to buying the real thing, or picking our own (which seem to be lacking around here lately anyway.) Our marigolds and daffodils are long gone and our little backyard roses are either trampled by the dog or had the delicate petals damaged by the elements. It has been a crazy spring around here. Hot one day then practically freezing the next. I can't even keep up! I do not have what anyone would consider, a green thumb so any flower that appears is almost magical. Really. We comment on them every time we go outside. But, alas, there will be no magical real flowers shared this year. Instead, I spent a couple of hours making some of my own to appreciate the kids' fabulous teachers. I let them duke it out over which teacher would receive which flower. 2 out of 3 of them weren't even embarrassed by giving something handmade! ;-) It seems that appreciation for crafts comes with age. lol. So... I made some rag rose flowers with burlap leaves and attached them to some dowels. They are about 12 inches tall, but you can't really tell from the photo. I added buttons to the center, stamped tags with hemp twine and some pretty ribbon accents. I know I wouldn't mind getting one of these myself and am thinking I may whip up a bunch and put them in a terra cotta pot for my summer mantel, now that I know all the secrets to putting them together. (The last one went WAAAAAAAY better than the first two.) I think I should get started soon before my inspiration leaves...

linking up here: Momnivore's Dilemma Link Party


  1. that's really cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. Really cute, I love all the crafty things you come up with. With these, no worries of wilting, insect nibs or dying blooms :)

  3. I'm loving those flowers and I need some more sentiment stamps - don't seem to have enough!! When's club?
