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Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Week in Review

A gift I made for my sister to put on her desk.
She works in the child support office for our county.
I have been working on a few little things this week, nothing major. We were busy prepping for Mother's Day and dealing with sick kids, while transporting the others all over town to various events so time has been seeming to fly by super fast. My husband suggested I take a picture or two of what we have been up to and put them up on my blog. He says that is what bloggers do, you know, post things. He is brilliant. I should keep him... He is right though. Figured I should make good use of this space I have created and chances are, I would feel accomplished to boot. I need that these days. Life is crazy!! So here are a couple pics of what's been going on this week...

Made this so I would quit sticking
myself in the finger
reaching into the storage box for pins
 while I'm making all my purses.
Sophie and her award for consistent scholarly behavior. A big huge deal since it is based on her entire year performance. Pretty stinking proud of my kiddo. This was taken at the awards assembly that we attended.
Yumminess. Authentic tasting! (if taquitos could be, anyway.)
Used the tamale meat that had been
 in the freezer since Christmas.
Don't they look real?
 Ummm, whatever that means.
They tasted really good though. I promise...
The super awesome lesson/Mom's Day card
I received from my loving son.
He is always concerned about
my need for more scientific knowledge.
Priceless, if you ask me.

Ranchero sauce in the beginning stages of awesomeness.
I made it to go with the fabulous taquitos
that we couldn't believe were homemade.  ;-)

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