I have a friend who recently challenged me to recreate a couple of projects that she had seem on Pinterest. I am totally up for crafty challenges like that so I accepted! She said she would make a folder on Pinterest full of projects that she wished she could do but would rather pay someone else to do (meaning ME) and I am so excited!!
I am, once again, a professional crafter. LOVE it!! This is the first of two projects that she commissioned me to do. I will post the other project soon.

So, here is the
inspiration wreath and in the photo above is my finished wreath that was delivered to its' new owner. I know she liked it because she posted a picture of it hanging on her door, on Facebook, and then publicly told me so. (That is, like, the most important form of approval these days.) ;-)
I already completed my second order for a Spring tissue paper flower wreath (photo on the right) and am hoping to dig up more interest. Here is an easy to
follow tutorial. Now you can be a pro too!
love it!